My Little Pony Squishy Pops Ferris Wheel Display Set

My Little Pony Squishy Pops Ferris Wheel Display Set
Pop and Squish! My Little Pony Squishy Pops love to ride on their Ferris Wheel Playset. Round and round on the wheel they go, spin us fast or spin us slow, just watch them spin it's unreal! The new Ferris Wheel playset is the perfect place to play and display your favourite My Little Pony Squishy Pops! Set includes a My Little Pony Squishy Pop Display your My Little Pony Squishy Pops in the Ferris Wheel Spin them fast or spin them slow! Play with your Squishy Pops on their very own Ferris Wheel Collect all the My Little Pony Squishy Pop characters and add them to the Playset. Comes with a My Little Pony Squishy Pop
Ponies stick and spin and Real Ferris Wheel movement (large spinning wheel).